In the FreeMe project, IDENER is investigating the adhesion process of the developed epoxy resin on plastic substrates. Specifically, simulations of epoxy adhesion on a PLA substrate have been successfully conducted.
To conduct these simulations, an epoxy block and a PLA block were generated within a simulation box and positioned close enough to study the interactions and phenomena occurring between them and at their interface. The interfacial energy was measured, revealing a tendency for adhesion as the temperature was increasing, given the reduction in energy. The penetration depth of epoxy molecules on the PLA substrate was also analysed and found to increase with rising temperature, further supporting the enhanced adhesion as temperature increased.
Additionally, the gyration radii of different species, as well as the mean squared displacement (MSD) and diffusion coefficient of the system, were measured. These measurements showed an increase in the diffusion coefficient as temperature increased, further confirming the tendency for stronger adhesion at higher temperatures.