
Workplan Structure

FreeMe targets to achieve its objectives within 48 months of collaborative work, divided into nine (9) work packages, including a WP dedicated to safe and sustainable by design strategy (WP2), 5 technical WPs (WP1, WP3-WP6), a roadmap to market deployment (WP7), dissemination and exploitation of project results (WP8) and a project management WP (WP9).

48 Month Schedule

WP1 Project’s Requirements & Specifications

Leader: GASER Duration: M1-M6

WP2 Safe & Sustainable by Design Strategy

Leader: UBU Duration: M1-M48

WP3 Sprayable Resins process

Leader: POLIMI Duration: M6-M36

WP4 Cr6+ and Pd free metallization process

Leader: CNANO Durastion: M6-M36

WP5 Development of supporting technologies

Leader: IDENER Duration: M6-M48

WP6 Validation of technologies in end user's test cases

Leader: CRF Duration: M28-M48

WP7 Roadmap to market deployment

Leader: POLIMI Duration: M1-M48

WP8 Extroversion and Exploitation activities

Leader: EXELISIS IKE Duration: M1-M48

WP9 Project Management

Leaqder: GASER Duration: M1-M48

The main objective of WP1 is the provision of specifications on the methods and equipment that will be used during the project implementation. In addition, the requirements of the end users, in terms of materials, properties, and standards, will be define.

WP2 focuses on the reduction of human and environmental risk by assessing the potential safety impacts, as well as the determination of the sustainability performance of the new Plating on Plastics processes. In addition, the recyclability of the coated plastic surfaces will be assessed.

WP3 aims to develop and optimise the application of sprayable composite resins containing Ni salts in polymer surfaces, achieving excellent adhesion. Suitable surface treatment methods of hardened resins will be investigated and the activation and/or metallization process for the two types of resins will be optimised.

In WP4, the development and optimisation of Cr6+ free process, based on acids or alkali mixtures will be developed, while Pd will be replaced during the surface activation process. Within the scope of this WP, the polymers obtained will be metallized aiming to achieve excellent adhesion.

WP5 aims to support the development of sprayable resin and chromic acid free etching with in-silico techniques based on multiscale modelling, and to optimise the optical inspection system that will be used for monitoring of PoP process.

The aim of WP6 is to validate the FreeMe technologies on the sprayable resins and the Cr6+ and Pd free metallization process on three end users applications in automotive, aerospace and home appliances.

WP7 targets to facilitate the acceptance of the developed processes and materials through the standardisation activities, while benchmark information on the FreeMe activities will be provided. In addition, a decision support tool will be developed facilitating the safe and sustainable by design Plating on Plastics technology by the industry.

This WP aims to communicate and disseminate FreeMe outcomes and results to specific target groups. In addition, the exploitation strategy will be defined and implemented for the key exploitable results, while the results’ ownership and joint exploitation potentials will be identified through IPR seminars and individual discussions with the consortium. Finally, training activities will be implemented addressing the needs and requests of identified stakeholders.

The objective of WP9 is to perform proper administrative, financial and technical management of the FreeMe project.

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