FreeMe project is expected to contribute to the Horizon Europe topic “Safe- and sustainable-by-design (SSbD) metallic coatings and engineered surfaces”. The Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design concept consists of a holistic approach integrating safety and sustainability of chemicals, materials, products and processes throughout their life cycle. According to this approach, harmful chemicals to human health or the environment shall be avoided, whereas the environmental footprint of chemicals shall be minimized.
The EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) call for the transition to a Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) approach for chemicals. According to the CSS: “At this stage, safe and sustainable by design can be defined as a pre-market approach to chemicals that focuses on providing a function (or service), while avoiding volumes and chemical properties that may be harmful to human health or the environment, in particular groups of chemicals likely to be (eco) toxic, persistent, bio-accumulative or mobile. Overall sustainability should be ensured by minimising the environmental footprint of chemicals in particular on climate change, resource use, ecosystems and biodiversity from a life cycle perspective.”
More information can be found in the Review of safety and sustainability dimensions, aspects, methods, indicators, and tools technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) published in 2022.