The FreeMe project is pleased to invite you to the EU Green Week Partner Event on the 7th of June 2023 from 9:30 to 12:30 CET. This online workshop is co-organized by the FreeMe and MOZART projects and will focus on the skills required to guide the green transition of the plating industry.
The EU Green Week 2023 will take place between Saturday 3 June and Sunday 11 June. The purpose of the EU Green Week is to raise awareness and celebrate EU environment policy. Partner Events will be organized by schools, universities, associations, environmental organizations, companies, and others, across Europe. The Events will be focused on the skills for sustainable, resilient, and socially fair communities, in line with the European Year of Skills.
During this workshop, all four projects funded by the European Commission under the topic of safe and sustainable by design metallic coatings and engineered surfaces, namely FreeMe, MOZART, NICKEFFECT and NOUVEAU will be presented, laying the foundations for a fruitful and strong collaboration.