FreeMe is a founding member of the Cluster of projects funded under the topic HORIZON-CL4-2021-RESILIENCE-01-12 – Safe- and sustainable-by-design metallic coatings and engineered surfaces (RIA). The cluster held its kick-off meeting remotely on the 2nd of February where MOZART, NICKEFFECT, NOUVEAU and FreeMe project were represented by their Coordination and Dissemination and Communication teams. The cluster plans to handle shared issues and engage in cooperative information-sharing and communication initiatives that will benefit each project separately as well as the cluster as a whole.
The meeting kick-started with presentations on each project where the coordination teams presented the objectives, impacts and expected outcomes of the clustered projects. During the two following round table sessions, which provided an opportunity for all four projects to share their insights regarding common dissemination activities and methodological challenges, the presentations sparked fruitful discussions.
The Dissemination and Communication managers of MOZART (Ms. Myrto Pelopida), NICKEFFECT (Mr. Danijel Pavlica), NOUVEAU (Dr. Luca Di Felice) and FreeMe (Mrs. Melina Psycha) offered their suggestions and plans for efficiently disseminating the projects’ results and organizing future collaborative activities.
Prof. Luca Magagnin (coordinator of the MOZART project), Dr. Aliona Nicolenco (member of NICKEFFECT project’s coordination team), Dr. Jacobs Marijke (coordinator of NOUVEAU project) and Mrs. Graziella Galati (coordinator of FreeMe project) sparked the conversation by outlining the main issues with safe- and sustainable-by-design approaches, modelling and the development of Decision Support Tools (DST).